B2B Partnerprogramm & Affiliate Kooperation – mach‘ auch Du
die energetischen Chakra-Accessoires und spirituellen Geschenkideen von Chakmonie® zu Deinem persönlichen Erfolgsprodukt!
Here I present some variants for the B2B partner program or an affiliate cooperation with Chakmonie®:
Are you interested in chakras? Are you enthusiastic and have a communicative personality? Would you like to organize chakra parties, for example, with free time management? Great, then the Chakmonie® partner program offers you a wide range of opportunities!
You already have a holistic approach and, for example
- a yoga studio
- a practice
- a retail store
- etc.
Would you like to offer your customers the stylish Chakra Design collection live and in color at your location? Great, then find out about our attractive conditions for resellers.
Blogger & Influencer
Are you a successful blogger or influencer and convinced that the Chakmonie® design is a new impulse for your community? Do you want to sensitize your followers to mindfulness & spirituality in everyday life and give them feel-good moments? Great, then a Chakmonie® affiliate cooperation is just right for you!
Deine Tätigkeit haben wir an dieser Stelle nicht erwähnt und Du bist sicher, daß Dein Business auch hervorragend zu Chakmonie® passt? Schreib‘ mir jederzeit gerne eine Mail an info@chakmonie.de und stell‘ mir Deine Kooperationsidee vor!