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Wondering what a chakra is?


Our body has 7 main subtle energy centers - our chakras - which are aligned along your spine like a string of pearls. The knowledge of the chakras originates from the millennia-old Indian art of healing and translated from Sanskrit, the word chakra means "energy wheel" or "energy vortex".

Discover the 7 main chakras and get to know your energy centers!


The chakras are very fine Energy pointswhich many Processes in our Controlling the organism and significantly to our Well-being contribute. Feel and sense yourself, be in harmony with yourself and get your own chakra energy flowing. Each chakra has its own (Life) theme and is associated with body organs, feelings, elements, sensory and glandular functions, among others.

Just like Ayurveda, the extensive healing knowledge of traditional chakra teachings has its origins in the ancient Indian art of healing. These effective traditions make it possible to support the energy system with ease - for more balance and harmony in everyday life!

From the root to the crown, you have a wide range of options for harmonizing your chakras. These include, for example

  • Energetic chakra accessories from Chakmonie®
  • Meditation for the chakras
  • Chakra Coaching
  • Chakra Yoga
  • Essential scented oils
  • energetic healing stones
  • Chakra-related experience of nature
  • Chakra affirmations


I have written down an introduction to the energetic chakra theory for you here at a glance.

Wenn Du Deine Chakren in einer Selbsterfahrung aktiv kennenlernen möchtest, mag ich Dir die Reise durch die 7 Chakren ans Herz legen. In diesem Beitrag stelle ich Dir alle Energiezentren der Reihe nach von der Basis bis zum Scheitel einzeln vor und Du lernst spezielle Chakrameditationen aus dem Kundalini Yoga kennen. Richtig effektiv ist es, wenn Du für jedes Energiezentrum 6 Wochen einplanst und die jeweilige Meditation 40 Tage hintereinander praktizierst. Na, bist Du neugierig?? In der Rubrik „Chakra Lifestyle“ erwarten Dich noch weitere spannende Infos rundum die Chakrenergie.

Ich freue mich sehr, Dich in die Welt der Chakren einzuführen und bin bei Fragen jederzeit für Dich da! Schreib‘ mir gerne eine Mail an

Increase harmony & inner balance through chakra energy


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