The 2nd energy center is also called the sacral or sexual chakra and is the original source of your joie de vivre and sensuality.
You may already know that the chakra teachings originate from the ancient Indian healing tradition and that each of the 7 energy centers therefore also has a Sanskrit name. In Sanskrit, the 2nd chakra is called "Svadhisthana".
The design of all seven chakra symbols is similar: on the outside are the open lotus blossoms and elements from sacred geometry. The 6-petalled lotus flower is a symbol of the Svadhisthana chakra symbol and the healing color of the 2nd energy center is orange.
The powerful chakmonia affirmation for the sacral chakra is: "I am creative" and promotes creativity, enthusiasm and emotional richness.
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Hab‘ eine gute Zeit und bleib‘ fröhlich, Dein Team von Chakmonie – energise your life by Maren Klessen